Sometimes a word or phrase surfaces for me when it shows up in unrelated conversations again and again. This week's phrase is about being authentic - living authentically.
I think being authentic is at the heart of success. In this video, photojournalist Richard Koci Hernandez makes the point that the equipment used to create images is only a tiny portion of the photograph. I agree with him. Photography is about seeing, not about what equipment you use. And being authentic to your vision is what produces interesting work.
I recently had a big "success" in terms of material rewards for the imagery I've been shooting. And what was my immediate reaction? The work wasn't good enough. Yes, that's right - self-doubt! That's what happens when you start to let the world judge what you do, or you start to measure your success by external acceptance.
I've had a few days to ponder that reaction of mine. When I finally caught my breath and stepped back from it, I realized that whatever happens, I am passionate about photography - in all its various manifestations. And I am grateful that I have received support that will enable me to continue to pursue my passion. I may have better tools for that now, but even if I didn't I would still be driven to create images. That's what being authentic means to me.
Here's to dreams.